Silver Spring Kappa League

The Kappa Leadership Development Institute, commonly referred to as the Silver Spring “Kappa League” provides leadership and positive male role-modeling to young men grades 6th -12th. Kappa League is an organization that embodies all the aspects of leadership development and self-motivation for career achievement. Through leadership-oriented activities, the Kappa League officers and membership perform many projects that will expose them to learning, execution, reporting ideas, and stimulating good leadership characteristics designed to raise their aspiration levels.

The nucleus and primary focus of the Kappa League revolves around the “Seven Phases” which are:

Phase I – Self Identity/ Purpose

Discipline, Assurance, Awareness, and Appearance

Phase II – Training

Academic, Career, Choice, Preparation, and Organization

Phase III – Competition

Politics, Career, Advancement, and Sports

Phase IV – Social

Religion, The Arts, Entertainment, Conversation Communication, and Etiquette/Manners

Phase V – Health Education

Physical Fitness- Sex Education – Drugs – Health and Safety

Phase VI – Economic Empowerment & Education

Stock Market – Fundamentals of Banking – Earning, Saving, Spending – Cash vs. Credit

Phase VII – College & Career

Academic Readiness – High School -Beyond – Career Day – College Admissions – Financial Aid Workshops – Survival Skills

As a Kappa Leaguer, each student must maintain a minimum GPA of a 2.5 per academic period, participate in training meetings, complete community service work, and attend college tours and cultural events. Each student is required to chart his academic course of study, prepare a profile of his career, write an autobiography and organize his procedures for post-high school education. Each student is also required to be exemplary in each area of the “Kappa League Phases” described above.