MKYF held its’ annual meeting and scholarship awards luncheon on July 10, 2022 at the All Set Restarurant in Silver Spring, MD.  The foundations award $12,000 to eight students from various high schools in Montgomery, MD who will be matriculating to college fall 2022.  The students’ testimony provided the board of directors with their inspiring stories of success, achievement, and aspirational goals.  Each student shared their unique, emotional, and encouraging journey that led them to become the personnate person they are today.  It was heartwarming to those young students with level of maturity displayed.  The board members also shared words of wisdom of their trials, triumphs, successes and achievement as encouragement. 

Several of the common themes shared with the students were
1) remain focused – take your education seriously….study, do the work, don’t take the easy way out,
2) be intentional – be intentional about the things your are committed to,
3) networking – start building your network of people and remain in contact with each of them, and final
4) enjoy your college experiecne, but don’t forget why you’re here.